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Auditing Association of Canada

L’Association canadienne de vérification

Supporting EHS and Risk Management - Since 1991


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PEA Backgrounder

AAC offers the Provisional Environmental Auditor (PEA) program as an enhanced membership category:

    • For individuals who have acquired formal training requirements for certification but are lacking in field experience.
    • To provide professional development opportunities to highly talented and motivated persons entering the practice of environmental auditing.
    • Provides time to acquire experience - does not have an expiry date or renewal requirement.

Interested applicants are asked to read the Application Form and Guidance sections completely to ensure that they have a full understanding of the program requirements.

Application Fees - $50 CAD plus taxes

No expiry / renewal required.

Qualification Description

The PEA designation does not have a dedicated is Body of Skills and Knowledge (BOSK), but is based on the AAC BOSK for Certified Health and Safety Management System Auditors and AAC’s Qualification Criteria for Certified Health and Safety Management System Auditors.

A full description of the qualification criteria is listed in the Eligibility and Qualifications Table below, and more detailed overall guidance can be found in the AAC document.

2021 - 08 Provisional Environmental Auditor Application Form.pdf

Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

The criteria were developed from the AAC Qualification Criteria for Provisional Auditors and include same requirements as other auditor programs and are based on ISO 19011. The criteria vary with educational and work experience background and is summarized below:

Formal Training*

Environmental Management

System (EMS) Audits Days

Formal Education

 Relevant Work Experience


Completed 35 hours of training in:
  • EMS and standards 
  • Environmental methods and technology
  • Technical / environmental aspects of various types of activities & facility operations
  • Relevant environmental legislation
  • Types of environmental audits
  • ISO 19011 (or similar guidance) - audit principals, procedures and techniques

Formal training may be provided by the auditor's own organization or by an external organization.
Minimum Requirements:

0-4 audits**


0-20 days
Secondary School Education 3 years
Non-Relevant Bachelor Degree*** / College Diploma 2 years

Relevant Bachelor Degree*** /

Non-Relevant Master Degree***



* Not required to be Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredited. Formal training may be waived where the applicant can demonstrate competence in these areas in an appropriate way, such as a professional qualification or passing an examination by a recognized course provider.

**Examples of EMS audits include ISO 14001.

*** Relevant degree means Bachelor’s or higher level degree in engineering, environment, science, health and safety technology, law, business administration, industrial hygiene, or accounting

Initial Certification Application Assessment Requirements

The initial application involves several elements be provided and verified for assessment by AAC Registrar:

  • Submit documentation to confirm the eligibility criteria are met (e.g., copies of documentation, audit logs and education / training proof and work experience as required by the BOSK using forms provided for application)
  • Release and Indemnity statements are signed
  • Resume and References
  • Be a member in good standing of the AAC (including all applicable dues up to date)
  • Applicant shall demonstrate a thorough understanding of and commit to abide by the AAC’s Code of Ethics

Provisional Environmental Auditor (PEA) Application Form Documents

For additional information, please contact us at

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