Planning for our Future
In November 2020 our Board of Directors updated our 5-year Strategic Plan to build on the strengths we have and to reflect the opportunities and initiatives we plan to accomplish between 2020 - 2025.
Meeting our Mission and Objectives
We will achieve our mission and objectives through initiatives and programs that will be actively managed through Board Committees, evaluated regularly, and validated by our membership through ongoing feedback.
A. Be the Place Where Members Come to Learn, Participate and Grow
Making our Association the place for members to learn and continually improve capability requires alignment between the activities of the AAC and the career advancement of our members. The AAC will work with members to facilitate improved networking, information sharing, training opportunities and practice management.
Key Activities
Committee Responsibility
A1. Communication:
Communicate with interested parties in an effective, and timely manner on issues of interest. This will be achieved through surveys, website postings, social media posts, presentations, lobbying, and networking opportunities including conferences and webinars. A current and informative website including a value-added Members’ Only section will be maintained.
A2. Education:
Develop and provide continuing education and other professional development options through workshops and on-line training. Work with recognized training providers to identify and support implementation of training programs that meet member needs and promote the Association.
Strategic Planning
B. Represent and Promote the Interests of our Members and the Auditing Profession
Our members and other stakeholders need a voice to protect and advance their interests, and those of the profession overall. Industry, government, and the public who rely upon the services of professional auditors need an association with the experience and knowledge in the field to be involved with the bodies that set standards and policies, and to ensure they are properly informed.
The AAC will establish itself as the leading advocate for these groups in the auditing professions we represent and will work to inform and influence decision-making at the international, national, and regional levels. The AAC will also act as a steward on behalf of the profession and the public in the establishment and maintenance of auditing standards, ethics, and a code of conduct.
Key Activities
Committee Responsibility
B1. Certifications:
Identify relevant opportunities to expand the scope of AAC’s support of certifiers and certifications, in the development and continual improvement of relevant auditor practices and certifications that advance the interests of our members and the profession.
ECO Certification
Sub-Committee Participation
B2. Certified Health & Safety Management System Auditor Program:
Establish and maintain AAC’s CHSMSA designation to oversee the certification process and promote it as one of the certifications of choice for Health & Safety Auditors.
B3. Stakeholder Engagement:
Identify key stakeholders and actively engage with them to: - increase AAC’s profile and credibility;
- to influence the development of regulations, policies, standards, and other guidance documents affecting our profession;
- to ensure common understanding of concepts, continued relevance practices and issues.
Strategic Planning
B4. Partnerships:
Forge strategic partnerships with interested parties having similar or related interests including auditing, industry, and other associations. Identify and establish affiliation programs of interest to our membership.
Strategic Planning
C. Build a Strong and Capable Organization
To provide desired levels of service at the caliber expected by our members, the profession and the public, the AAC needs to expand the strength and scope of its organizational and operational capacity. In particular, the Association will focus on substantially increasing revenue generation from all sources and growing its membership base by adding significantly greater value for its members.
Key Activities
Committee Responsibility
C1. Administration:
Develop and implement an effective administration and planning process, ensuring that decision-making reflects the needs and wants of members.
C2. Finance:
Establish and maintain a balanced budget and positive cash flow, through increasing funding avenues and fund-raising activities outside of membership dues and conferences and controlling expenses.
C3. Growth:
Expand membership; identify, increase, and demonstrate value to members on regular basis.
C4. Marketing:
Develop and implement a marketing focus on the demand side to generate recognition of, and a need for, the services we and our members provide. Expand the scope of audit sectors represented by the Association.
Strategic Planning