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Auditing Association of Canada

L’Association canadienne de vérification

Supporting EHS and Risk Management - Since 1991


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Welcome to our AAC membership page for new and renewing members! 

To join our association, please use our convenient on-line membership registration system.

Please select a membership level and click "next" at the bottom right of your screen.

For further information on the following, please email

  • Membership program
  • Auditor certification programs
  • If you are joining part way through the year and may qualify for pro-rated rates, or
  • If you and other persons in your group or organization may be applying and may qualify for group discounts.

On-line payments can be made by VISA, Mastercard and American Express. You may also choose to pay by cheque or international money order. Your membership will be activated once we receive payment. Please make cheques payable to the Auditing Association of Canada.

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* Membership level

If you would like to submit an application to become a Certified Health and Safety Management System Auditor (CHSMSA) or Provisional Environmental Auditor (PEA), please click on the link below to be directed to the certification program sections. 

CHSMSA Application New & Recertification


Provisional Environmental Auditor (PEA)

Supporting EHS and Risk Management since 1991

Building trust & Measuring progress

Supporting members throughout their auditing careers!

Email Us:


6 Wigston Private,

Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1K9

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